Prague experience and TIPS

Day 1

We arrived at 8 AM on august the 11th, my first thought was: it's so hot! I wore a shirt with a long black skinny jeans and when I arrived. I immediately went to the bathroom to change my outfit Taxi driver picked us up and drove us to the hotel.There we could leave our Luggage and we could start our adventure. We walked along the riverside and eventually we saw the Charle's bridge and man it was a beautiful view on the Charle's bridge ! While we were walking to the Charles bridge, we went through the Kampa park. This park had memorials from the world war two, many Jewish people were killed in Prague at that time. The memorials and objects which were left behind from that time gave me a sad and cold feeling. After the Kampa park we arrived at the bridge. When I was on the bridge I noticed many beggars. I put some money in their hats, which they were holding. I thought it was so sad because they were like kneeling on the ground and their heads were bent forward and just to imagine that they have to stay in that pose for hours long in that weather, it broke my heart. On the bridge there was a tower and from there we went up and we had a beautiful view of Prague. We walked a bit around but we had to quickly go back to the hotel because it was so hot we thought our skin were burning. When we got back to the hotel we expected that they had air conditioning but no they didn't .. So we had another solution for that. We held a party in the bathtub with ice cold water. Then we decided to stay in for a few hours because it was too sunny and hot outside and in the evening we went outside and walked around. Prague looks like a night city because in the evening it was still alive and crowded with people !

Our experience was great but with a few tips, it would be even better !

- When it's above 30 degrees in Prague, don't underestimate !
-When it's above 30 degrees take a hat with you or something to cover up ! (I looked for a hat over 3 days ! )
-When you arrive at the hotel, ask immediately for a map and information about the transportation.


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