- Live in the moment – this speaks for itself because it’s logical to live in the moment. You don’t want to find yourself living in the past, which means that something bad happened in the past which still affects you in the present. Also, you don’t want to live in the future because that is just a waste of time. It can become a habit when you every time think that you will be happy when you have this or that, or you will be happy when it’s a holiday. It becomes a bad habit because every time you say you will be happy when.. Is a waste of time, because you could have been happy for example right now,
- Be kind – Being kind to others is important because even when you only think of yourself, being kind helps yourself because most people will return their kindness back and also you will feel bad and guilty when you don’t act kind.
- Have a healthy lifestyle – I really want to achieve this one because being healthy helps a lot with feeling energized and fit.
- Positive approach to life – This is very important. And I noticed a big change in 2015. I was so negative during the first half year, I nagged a lot and said that I was tired 4 times a day. And the thing that I noticed after the summer break was that I stopped nagging and stopped telling myself that I was tired and it worked. I wasnt tired any more. Also putting a fake smile will eventually turn into a real smile.
- Control my emotions
- Live life with appreciation
- Stop comparing
- Let go of the past – no need to sit on a rocking chair. (A chair that doesn’t get you anywhere, just being sad about it doesn’t help at all, instead try to accept and learn from it.)
- Wake up to World News. – It’s good to be updated about the world around you.
- Love myself – This is also very important to me, I’ve changed a lot during my puberty and I’m proud of myself, that I matured a lot, that I changed a lot from who I was 6 years ago. There are still things, which happened in the past, which still affects me and keeps me away from loving myself. I want to 100% love myself so I can be comfortable in my own skin.
- Be generous – Receive but give more.
- Stop worrying – Worrying is something that I’ve always struggled with, even when I was a kid and still am struggling with. Worrying has surprisingly a great impact on your mental health if you think about it. Eventually, it will lead consequences for your physical health too.
- Teach to learn. Learn to teach
- Less procrastinating
- Read more books
- Get an average of 7.3 + in school
- Wowed by wanderlust – Travel more and discover new places.
- Fun with family – I love to spend quality time with my family.
- Declutter the accumulated junk - I will definitely commit to this one. Because cleaning out your wardrobe/space/place will make a huge difference. It will become much more organized which reduces stress.
- Be ambitious – I find myself really happy when I’m working on things that I love, that I’m passionate about, but most of the time I take a big break from it, because I drown in the things that needs to be done, for example: School, Job, Family, Friends. But this year I will try to keep a routine and to keep room for the things that I love to do.
- Overcome a fear – I’m someone who has many fears and don’t dare to be in a dangerous situation. Which is a bad habit because it keeps me from improving myself. For example, there are some skills which only can be achieved by practice, but if you’re too afraid to do it, you will never get better. And this is something I really hate about myself.
- Write more – I really love writing so doing what I love will make me happy.
- Donate more time or money – About a year ago, I thought about doing some voluntary work so I could help but I still haven’t done anything. Really want to accomplish this one.
- Start! – Really committing to your new year’s resolutions!
What are your New year Resolutions ?
Yours, Lucy
Yours, Lucy
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